
Version The version of the package described here, which is not necessarily the latest version.
Status The project's status: active or inactive. In the absence of other information, development/support of a package will be declared "inactive" if the latest known version is over one year old.
Description A paragraph that summarizes what the package does.
Features A comma-separated list of keywords that describe the most important features of the package. This may eventually be used to create an index.
Interfaces A comma-separated list of languages, protocols, standards, etc. that describe how the package works and can be used.
Implementation language The programming language(s) used to implement the package (not counting small amounts of glue for the interfaces listed above).
Access methods The ways in which user-data is stored/retrieved/modeled.
Multi-user operation The kind of concurrent use supported: single user, single writer/many readers, or many writers/many readers.
Threads Is it thread-safe? Does it use a particular lightweight thread package?
Atomic transactions Does it perform updates atomically? Does it provide an API for user-level atomic transactions?
Networked Does it operate as a server, providing remote access via IPC?
Distributed operation Does it provide two phase commit (or similar) support?
Replication Does it provide automatic replication?
Required packages Other (nonstandard) packages that must be obtained before this package can be used.
Supported platforms Operating systems and processor architectures where the package is known to run.
License Public domain, GNU GPL, GNU LGPL, open source, other.
Contact Name and email address to contact for more information.
Location URL for the package or institution/company where the package can be found.
Listing last updated Date when the information in the entry was last changed.